Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Left to right: Annie (roommate), Kelly (not really my roommate but basically lives with us), Marissa (roommate) and me!
Heres some pics of our crew on halloween! Annie was the only one that actually went trick-or-treating but we all went to some fun parties!
We just saw these guys dressed up as flowers walking down the street and so we had to take a picture of them! They did their headbands all by themselves! haha The girl on the far left is totally random too! We didn't even notice her until the picture was taken....
Posted by Rebecca at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Blakely's Sweet 16!
Soo funny story! We decided to go Disco Skating last Friday night and when we got there it was actually rented out for a Sweet Sixteen. We like walked in and the birthday girl came up to us and said "Do I know you?". We were like No actually... and then her Mom came up too and said we were welcome to stay... so we did! haha... it was kinda weird with everyone so much younger than us! But what was even more weird was that when we were talking to some of the people there we found out they were being paid to liven up the party! How bizarre! I'm glad I never had to do that for one of my birthday parties! It was soo much fun. And it only cost a dollar to rent the skates! Don't you love our crazy outfits! Thank Goodness for DI!
Posted by Rebecca at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Birthday Party!
YAY! 19 years old! almost not a teenager anymore! We had such a fun party on the Friday before my birthday. It was awesome! This was the cute jacket that my roommates bought for me. I love it! I have the best roommates ever!
Posted by Rebecca at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Football Season!
Posted by Rebecca at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Batman 2!
Soooo we had a ward party this Saturday night and it was in celebration of the new Batman movie that had just come out. We had food and watched Batman Begins with a projector on a sheet outside (but I didn't stay for that part), annnddd we had a little costume contest. So I wasn't even planning on going but then Annie made me and made me dress up too! I just wore all black with a yellow scarf, so I didn't really look like batman but I had the right colors on! It turns out that NO ONE else in the ward even dressed up!! So it was a little bit embarrassing, but totally worth it because Annie and I won tickets to see the Dark Knight on Saturday!! It was really fun. I'm glad Annie made me go! She's
Posted by Rebecca at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
July 5th- shooting!
Here are some of the many pictures from our day out shooting! I was soo scared to begin with especially with the pistols that kicked a lot! I got a hot shell down my shirt! but it wasn't too bad! I shot more guns than I actually had pictures of.. but these were the best! I actually liked it a lot! It was so fun! I want to go again!
Loading magazines with bullets. Its harder than it looks! Chris had to finish every one of them for me!
Bro. Rackley shooting the big gun!
Me and the AK-47! That one really hurt! It kicked a lot!
That was the biggest one I shot! (meaning shoots the biggest bullets)
Chris teaching us (ok just me!) gun safety before started.
Our cool little shade structure we had for protection even though I still got a little burnt!
Chris teaching me about this pistol. It was my favorite! I got pretty good at it too!
Another big gun! My arms were soo tired by the end!
This was my favorite big gun! It only shot .22's so it hardly even kicked back!
Posted by Rebecca at 7:01 AM 0 comments
El Morro- 4th of July!
On Friday we went to El Morro national monument with his family. It was about an hour and a half out of Albuquerque. It was a place where there was a good source of water so many "famous" people passed by, and etched their name in the rocks nearby. It was pretty cool. Some people put a lot of effort into making it look good and some people had some letters backwards. There were also inscriptions in Spanish and English. It was pretty cool, but I just liked the pretty mountain and scenery. There were also some ruins at the top of the mountain that were pretty cool. That night we had did fireworks! It was so fun! Chris and his brother lined up the little home fireworks with fuse in between each one. That way he didn't have to get up in between each one and light a new one. Unfortunately the fuse was a little short between each one, so we had several going off at once, but it made it that much more exciting! haha! It was great. ANNDD we had homemade ice cream at the same time too. It was so fun!
Posted by Rebecca at 5:57 AM 0 comments
My Trip!
I finally got pictures from my trip! On Thursday we went to the aquarium! To the right is a picture of us on the train in between the Aquarium and the Zoo. It was so fun! We didn't actually go to the zoo, but we rode the train because it was fun! It also runs through the botanical gardens there so it was really pretty too! It was really fun! After the Aquarium we went to Old Town, which was like down town Albuquerque. It was really pretty. Definitely a strong Mexican influence here are some pictures.
That evening we went up a tram in the mountains. I'm pretty sure its the longest one in the world! It travels 2 miles up the mountain in about 15 minutes. There was a beautiful view of all of Albuquerque from the top. It was so different from NC because there were no trees to block anything! And it was on the 3rd of July so there were some fireworks too! It was great.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I'm back!! I had a wonderful time in Albuquerque! It was like one big long date! We went lots of places and did lots of things, it was so fun! Because my camera is working right I only took a few pictures and I forgot to get the pictures from his Mom so he's gonna send me a CD in the mail soon. I'll post pics and more details when I get the pics!
Posted by Rebecca at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
New Mexico!
I'm leaving today! I'm so excited! My camera is not working, but I will make sure Chris takes lots of pictures and I'll post them when I get back! That will be Monday morning. I can't wait!
Posted by Rebecca at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My Roommates!
These are my current roommates and best friends! Its so great to live with people that actually like me! (besides family of course!.. well most of the time!) We all met last summer in Helaman Halls. Annie and I hit if off immediately but I wasn't very close to Marissa or Dannielle until we kept hanging out together in the Fall and Winter. But I'm so glad I did! We have our little problems but over all everything is great! I love it! Sooo not the best picture of us, but heres Annie! She the one I share a bedroom with. She is soo insane! But in a good way of course. She was my Relief Society President Summer '07 and we've been best friends ever since! Annie is from Fairfield, California. (The same place Mom was born I believe! Well the Air force base there at least.) She is the youngest of... a lot of kids! All of her older siblings have served missions (one is in Barcelona right now!) including her sister. I don't think Annie will make it until 21 without getting married though! She is so boy crazy! But at the same time I know I can always talk to her about my problems and she will be there for me. She has been a great friend to me this past year and will be for many years to come! A lot of people in our ward think we are twins! I think I'm almost getting used to being called Annie! haha...

Posted by Rebecca at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Back in Provo!
Yay! I had a wonderful trip all around the world but it was good to be back at "home". These are my roommates (plus one!) From left to right its Me, Annie, Marissa and Amanda. In the front is Dannielle. Amanda is the one that is not really my roommate but she it over practically all the time! She used to sleep over almost every night, but she just moved to an apartment complex just across the street from us. I don't know her as well as the other girls but she's super sweet and fun!
Posted by Rebecca at 9:33 PM 0 comments
So I was going to upload my pictures from my trip to Menolly's but my camera will not sync with the computer any more... Oddly enough it hasn't worked since I let Christina mess with it! haha But I don't think its her fault... I'll figure something out...
Posted by Rebecca at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
New Boyfriend
This is Chris... We started dating officially Feb 27, but we've been going on dates for a couple of weeks. He's realy great, and super sweet. He treats me so well. Ok yes, he is an RM and 23 years old... but no worries! Haha.
Posted by Rebecca at 2:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
my friend showed me this video its hilarious!!
It made me think of the Allens in England because of the accent! and he's wearing an England shirt!
Posted by Rebecca at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
job hunting!
So I sent out a few job inquiries online for Secretary/receptionist kind of jobs and one responded yesterday and we scheduled an interview for today at 9:30. I think it went well. I think it will be a great job, i dunno how much it pays yet tho....She'll call me on Tuesday. I went home from that interview and checked my email and someone else replied! I called her back immediately and went to her office 20 minutes later! I think if I get it, I will take the first job over the second one I interviewed for. I can have a lot more hours in the first one, and its in the Harmon Building (for those of you who know where that is.. haha) which is very close to my apartment. I'm soo excited! well i'm going to go do all my homework now so I don't have any to do over this 3 day weekend! Love you all!
Posted by Rebecca at 10:49 AM 0 comments